On December 1, GIKEN LTD. (Head Office: Kochi-shi; President and CEO: Atsushi Ohira) was certified as a "DX-certified operator" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry due to its active engagement in Digital Transformation (DX).
Since our founding as a company devoted to controlling construction pollution, we have developed a series of new machinery, construction methods, and structures to solve social issues that arise with the changing of the times, centred around our "press-in technologies." We have revolutionised the old construction industry, and have been working on a "Construction Revolution" that contributes to the realisation of a new, sustainable society. Now, we are entering into the "Digital Revolution" phase, where digital technologies are used to maximise the superiority of the press-in technology, to speed up problem-solving by creating new value, and to expand the range of fields we are active in. We have formulated and announced our digital vision, digital strategy, and specific measures to realise these, and are making efforts in this area. Therefore, the company was recognised as being ready to digitally transform its own business (DX-Ready), and obtained the DX-certified operator certification.
Propelled by this certification, we will continue to drive the digital revolution with a sense of speed, aiming to increase our corporate value, grow the company sustainably, and realise a sustainable society.
Reference: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website(https://www.meti.go.jp/policy/it_policy/investment/dx-nintei/dx-nintei.html)

■ What are DX-certified operators?
A certification system implemented by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for the purpose of raising awareness of DX at corporations and elsewhere in society. Based on the Act on Facilitation of Information Processing, businesses that meet the basic items of the Digital Governance Code, which summarises the items required of management considering social changes effected by digital technology, are certified.
■ About our DX promotion
For details on our initiatives, please visit our website (Japanese only).
■Profile of GIKEN Group
GIKEN developed SILENT PILERTM, the world’s first reaction-based hydraulic pile jacking machine, installing piles without noise or vibration. GIKEN Group now actively promotes its press-in technology worldwide and contributes to the construction industry by proposing and implementing innovative solutions. The innovative press-in technology provides a unique solution and the adoption of this technology has spread to over 40 nations and regions.
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