The Gyropress MethodTM is a "reaction based" rotary press-in method to install tubular piles with cutting bits with self-walking functions. The Gyropress Method enables tubular piles to be installed through existing structures or buried obstructions. Therefore, by this method, construction costs and time can be minimized simultaneously, due to the avoidance of enabling removal works.

Mechanism of “Rotary Cutting Press-in”

Coring Reinforced Concrete
(t=80cm, σck=24N/mm2, D16@250×3 layers)
Amount of soil displacement is controlled by rotary cutting mechanism which excising just the obstacle part. In addition to environmental and safety superiority of the Press-in Principle, the rotary cutting mechanism has the effect of inhibiting the development of pile deformation by reducing penetration resistance composed of skin friction and pile toe resistance.