

SepTwo units of ECO Cycle completed at Shinkoiwa station
JulGIKEN signs technology R&D contract with MLIT for lunar construction project
AprGIKEN develops EV ECO Park - automated parking facility for ultra-compact electrical vehicles
MarGIKEN and AKTIO Corporation enter Rental Business Alliance


Julthe first SILENT PILER KGK-100A certified as Mechanical Engineering Heritage by The Japan society of Mechanical Engineers
MarRepresentative office in Bangkok, Thailand, opens


AugConstruction of new factory and office building in the Netherlands completed
JulSelected as one of the New Global Niche Top Companies 100
MayInnovative Partnership Agreement awarded for the World Heritage-listed Canal renovation
AprTwo units of ECO Cycle completed at Kawasaki station, Kanagawa Prefecture


MarOpening of New York Head Office of Giken America Corporation


OctOpening of “Press-in Training Center” at Kansai Factory
Market capitalisation of GIKEN hits 100 billion Japanese Yen
AugRenewal of “ECO Park” at Kochi Head Office
MayOpening Sales Office in Hokkaido
JanThe first installment of “ECO Park” at OTEPIA in Kochi City


DecStock acquisition of J Steel Group Pty Limited.
AugCompleted two units of aboveground-type ECO Cycle in Roppongi, Minatoku, Tokyo.
JunListed on Tokyo Stock Exchange Class Ⅰ.
AprDelivered the SILENT PILER SW100 to Australia for the first time.
JanStarted bridge foundation construction by Press-in Method in Bangladesh (ODA project)
JanGIKEN group's 50th anniversary.


OctLaunch of GYRO PILER "F301-G1000, F401-G1200 and F501-G1500" for Gyropress Method.
JulDelivered the SILENT PILER to Myanmar Government.
MarStock acquisition of CITEC INC.
FebCompleted two units of ECO Cycle in Shinbashi, Minatoku, Tokyo.
FebEstablishment of Kanto Factory in Chiba.


DecCompleted two units of ECO Cycle in the plaza in front of the Kyoto city hall.
SepTest operation of a share cycle system utilising the MOBILE ECO Cycle started in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture.
Aug5.84431 billion yen increase in capital due to new issue of shares.
MayLaunch of the SILENT PILER “F111”.
JanCompleted two units of ECO Cycle in the plaza in front of the South exit of Kyoto station.
JanDeveloped the “Tsunami simulator”, an experimental device for tsunami.


DecLaunch of the SILENT PILER “F201”.
NovEstablishment of Kochi Factory 2.
OctAnnounced the development of SILENT PILER F111 and F201.
SepCelebrate 3000th SILENT PILER produced.
AugLaunch of the SILENT PILER “F101”.


NovLaunch of the SILENT PILER model “F301” for 900 mm Hat-shaped Sheet Pile.
JulListed on the TSE2 through market integration.


AugLaunch of the GYRO PILER GRV2540 for large diameter tubular pile.
AugThe largest ECO Cycle in the Kansai area was completed at Minamisenri in the city of Suita.


OctCompleted a development prototype of the portable “MOBILE ECO Cycle”.
SepOpen Shanghai Office.
AugLaunch of the SILENT PILER JZ100A - dedicated model for close quarters construction situations.
AugLaunch of the SILENT PILER ECO600S equipped with versatile driving assistance.
JulOpen the Reconstruction Support Office of the Natural Disaster Defence Engineering Headquarter in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.
AprEstablishment of the Natural Disaster Defence Engineering Headquarter.
MarRenovated the ECO Cycle No. 1 unit in Kochi University of Technology to the latest system.


JanOpening of “IPC: International Press-in Center” in Tokyo, Japan


OctLaunch franchise-style business partnership “GM1” in which GIKEN provides total support for pile driving business activities to the members.
JanHeld the GM2 investiture ceremony and first GM meeting.


AugDeveloped a new ECO Cycle, and received orders from Hachioji and Chiba cities.
JulLaunched the “Memorial Forest Project”.
MayLaunch of the SILENT PILER “ECO700S” & “ECO1400S” equipped with versatile driving assistance.
AprLaunch franchise-style business partnership “GM2” in which GIKEN provides total support for pile driving business activities to the members.


JulLaunch of the SILENT PILER “ECO400S” equipped with versatile driving assistance.
FebEstablishment of IPA: International Press-in Association


JulJapan’s largest mechanical underground bicycle park comprising eight units of ECO Cycle was completed at Mitaka City in Tokyo.


JulLaunch of the SILENT PILER “ECO900” for 900mm Hat-shaped Sheet Pile.


AugLaunch of the SILENT PILER “ECO82”.


DecComplete the world-first application of “Office Building with Versatile Foundation” in Tokyo, Japan.
AprLaunch GIKEN Total Support System for pile driving business activities “GTOSS”.


JunLaunch of the next-generation SILENT PILER “ECO100”.


AugLaunch of the water jet system “PILER JET System”.


DecCentralize sales business through promotion of IT.
JunMoved the Tokyo headquarters to Ariake, Koto-ku.


DecEstablish Giken America Corporation in Orlando, Florida.


NovOpening of Singapore Office of Giken Seisakusho Asia Pte., Ltd.
JunComplete GIKEN automated underground bicycle parking “ECO Cycle” in Kochi University of Technology.
AprGiken Europe opened a new office in Berlin.


AugLaunch if the SILENT PILER “SC100”, equipped the integral augering system for hard ground press-in.
MarCelebrate 2000th SILENT PILER produced.


MayEstablish G & B Co., Ltd.
MarEstablish M & M Co., Ltd.
JunEstablish Giken Seisakusho Asia Pte., Ltd. in Singapore.


NovLaunch of the SILENT PILER “SA75” & “SA100”.


DecComplete GIKEN automated underground car parking “ECO Park”.
NovOpen Sales office in Nigata.
AugGIKEN SEKO CO., LTD. opened a Tokyo sales office in Ariake, Koto-ku.
JunDocumented the Five Construction Principles.
JanCelebrate 1500th SILENT PILER produced.


AugPresent the idea of “Construction Revolution” in public.
MayListed on Osaka Stock Exchange Class II.
JanComplete Kansai factory.


OctOpening of new Tokyo Head Office in Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan.


OctLaunch of the SILENT PILER “AT90” & “AT150” IC card-controlled automatic driving machine.
JulEstablish Giken Europe B.V. in Almere, the Netherlands.
AprGIKEN stock registered for over-the-counter sale.


NovCelebrate 1000th SILENT PILER produced.
JanOpen Sales office in London.


SepOpen Sales office in Hokkaido.


SepLaunch of the SILENT PILER “TP333”.


OctCelebrate 500th SILENT PILER produced.
JulEstablishment of JPA: Japan Press-in Association.
MayLaunch of the SILENT PILER “FT70”.
MayComplete Kochi head office and factory.


AprThe press-in method was officially adopted by the Ministry of Construction for the “Civil works standards for estimation”.
AprExport the 1st SILENT PILER to a foreign country- Sweden.


NovLaunch of the SILENT PILER Model “KGK130C4” with the corner 4 function.
MayOpening of Tokyo Factory.


SepFirst overseas construction project undertaken in the former West Germany.
AprOpen Sales office in Hiroshima & Shikoku.
AprDisplay the SILENT PILER in the 20th International Construction Machinery Fair “BAUMA ’83” in Munich. ( Also displayed every 3 years until ’95 ).


MayLaunch of the SILENT PILER “KGK130-N”.
MayInstalled a radio-controlled system on the SILENT PILER


AugKochi GIKEN Consultant Ltd. changed its name to GIKEN SEKO CO., LTD.
JulOpen Sales office in Nagoya.
JunLaunch of the SILENT PILER “KGK80C”.


OctOpen Sales office in Fukuoka.
SepOpen Sales office in Sendai.
JanObtained basic patent for the SILENT PILER.


NovOpen Sales office in Tokyo.
JunLaunched a national SMP association.


SepOpen Sales office in Osaka.
JunLaunch of the SILENT PILER “KGK-100H”.
JanGIKEN SEISAKUSHO CO., LTD. incorporated.


JulLaunch of the 1st SILENT PILER.


AugKochi GIKEN Consultant became incorporated.


JanEstablish Kochi GIKEN Consultant and start civil engineering business.