Failure of levees potentially results in devastating consequences, in both life and economic losses, around the failure. Therefore, risk analysis and evaluation is a key issue for levee operation and management. Implant Levee that is securely integrated with the Earth is highly resistant to ground displacement caused by the motion dynamic lose of external force such as earthquakes, tsunami, thus, serving as a”resilient” disaster-prevention infrastructure.
The Press-in Principle allows consolidation with the Earth, forming resilient structure

Twin Sheet Pile Walls

Tubular Pile Wall
Superior earthquake proof, tsunami-resistant performance
Implant Levee is solid and strong against complex disasters such as earthquakes, tsunami and land subsidence. For earthquake protection, an implant-structured pile continuous wall has a secure embedded depth that will not allow any large deformation. Also, as the side floating of liquefied soil is restrained, settlement of the levee body is restrained. Furthermore, by embedding the pile toe to the non-liquefied layer, subsidence of the pile itself will not occur, and the levee height may be maintained. Also with tsunami, even if the slope face collapses due to overflow, the pile continuous wall with the Implant Structure will keep its form, and thus maintain its levee function. After an earthquake, tsunami or other disasters, Implant Levee may be used as an emergency transit route or drainage work base for fire engines by erecting a coverage plate using remaining pile heads. This way, it becomes useful in the early restoration of disaster sites.

The coasts of Iwate that suffered great damage in the Great East Japan Earthquake; the coasts of Kochi which calls for immediate preparation for the Nankai Trough earthquake; and many other parts of the country are adopting the Implant Levee.
■Kochi Coastal Levee Improved Construction Ni-no Construction Area (Kochi-Ken, Kochi-shi)

■Kochi Coastal Levee Improved Construction Ni-i Construction Area (Kochi-Ken, Tosa-shi)

■Ofunato Port Nagahama District Shore Seawall Construction (Iwate-Ken, Ofunato-shi)

■Ryouishi Fishery Harbor Shore Disaster Restoration Construction (Iwate-Ken, Kamaishi-shi)

■Teigawa River Disaster Restoration Construction (Miyagi-Ken, Higashi Matsushima-shi)

■Shore Measures Construction (Aichi-Ken, Toyohashi-shi)

■Road Disaster Prevention Construction (Kanagawa-Ken, Kamakura-shi)